Makes indoor navigation easy
Accessible Buildings not only for the Visually Impaired
The patented indoor navigation App originally designed with and for the visually impaired makes indoor environments accessible to ALL. NO HARDWARE OR INFRASTRUCTURE NEEDED


Accessible Interface
Search by category or individual points of interest and quickly filter categories on the fly.
Categories, POI's, Zones and unique directional navigation istructions all easy to manage from the eZwayZ® Cloud.
Supports iOS voiceover.
Categories, POI's, Zones and unique directional navigation istructions all easy to manage from the eZwayZ® Cloud.
Supports iOS voiceover.
Explore your surroundings
Explore your surroundings by using one of the interfaces: AR interface or the Visually Impaired interface. Select Go to start immediate navigation. Manage your search radius with the range slider. Easy filter categories and zones. Supports iOS voiceover.


Discover eZwayZ Cloud
Easy instance management. Manage your eZwayZ users from the cloud environment. Realtime backend instance changes to make sure your instance is always up to date!